Creating a Shop - Edimate Creating a Shop - Edimate

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Creating a Shop

Create a New Shop:

  • Navigate to the Shops section within the system.
  • Click on the +NEW button to begin adding a new shop.

Add Shop Nickname:

  • In the Shop Nickname field, input a unique, easily recognizable name for the shop. This nickname should be something users can quickly identify and distinguish from other shops.

Select Region:

  • Choose the appropriate Region for the shop based on the pre-defined Region and Zones setup.
    • The region is typically determined by the shop’s geographic location, ensuring that it’s assigned to the correct operational zone.
    • Make sure the region aligns with your company’s region and zone structure for organizational purposes.

Add Shop Address:

  • Enter the shop’s complete address, which should include:
    • Street Address: Provide the exact street name and number.
    • City: Input the city where the shop is located.
    • Zip Code: Add the correct postal code for the shop’s location.
    • County: Specify the county if applicable.

Ensure that the address is accurate and up-to-date for delivery, billing, and contact purposes.